Friday, November 15, 2013

Green nosed, green eyed pirate pony

...Is what happens when your horse tries to poke her eye out.

And then you get on bareback and make goofy faces, of course

I don't know what she did, but when I arrived at the barn, I had a squinty, weepy eyed pony waiting for me. She didn't look like she was in a ton of pain, but didn't want to open the eye for long. Asked the assistant barn manager for help, and she stained her eye (hence the green eye, then dripped out her nose). She has a few small ulcers in it, nothing serious, but going to require some eye squirting and keeping an eye on (ha, punny)

Slime nose!

That's about how much she'd open the eye
But, since I already had her out and had driven half an hour and brought my friend L out, I decided to torture my poor beast with silliness.

Always wear your helmet

We rode backwards and also tried bareback sidesaddle!


  1. AWW i hope she feels better soon.

  2. Ouch! My dog gets eye ulcers and they seem quite painful! Hope she heals up quick!

  3. Aww poor girl! Hopefully that heals up quickly!

    Love the pictures by the way :) Haha!
