Monday, November 11, 2013

Things that aren't scary: Rolltop edition!

So I should just be used to the fact that things that I think will be a big deal for Beauty, never are. But I keep being surprised!

Our latest Ain't No Thang moment happened on Saturday. I was a gorgeous day and I wanted to be out of the ring, so I headed out on the trails. Beauty quickly told me that I was NOT going to enjoy a relaxing trail ride and was instead going to be battling invisible demons in the woods, which is not a thing I was in the mood for.

So, we headed back and went to the outdoor ring, the next best thing. She was very good, but I did not feel like dressaging or working on anything that required mental stimulation. After some terrible jumping rides in the last few weeks, I was not keen on fighting with her, but decided, what the hell, point and shoot, don't care what it looks like.

And she was FANTASTIC. I guess the key has been me chilling out all along. Imagine that.

So after some decent lines and diagonals, I pointed her at this monstrosity:

In all of its < 2 foot glory
This had been the focus of some suspicious snorting and wary eyes on Beauty's part in previous rides in the outdoor, but the good thing about my horse is that once she realizes it is not going to eat her, she's fine with it (except the demons in the woods. Those are there no matter how many times we go out and we don't die.)

Feeling my current state of "What the hell," I trotted her up to it, she slowed to examine it, I put leg on, pop, perfect little hunter jump and a relaxed canter away. 

Oh. That was anticlimactic.

We cantered around and did it from the canter. Again, pop, smooth canter away. 

Alright, then. Good pony!


  1. Yay! Love it when intimidating things turn out to be not so intimidating at all.

  2. Yay for conquering scary jumps!!

  3. She sounds like a brave girl! :)
